
Some of you might not want to see everything that appears on the Antiques’ site. For example, you might only be interested in tournaments and not want to hear about what’s happening in the TriValley league season.

To help you see what you want and ignore what you don’t want, we put each new post into one of 4 “Topics”. These are:

  • General — For general announcements that don’t fit into the other topics.
  • TriValley — For information about the TriValley regular league season and the league playoffs.
  • NorCal — For information about the NorCal league.
  • Tournaments — For information about tournaments.

The home page lists all of the posts. There are also 4 topic pages that list only the posts in that topic. See the dropdown menu under Topics in the main menu bar.

When you join our mailing list, you select the topics that you want to be notified about. If you don’t check a topic box, you won’t get email notifying you about a new post in that topic.